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30T/D Rice Mill Plant for Matania Customers


We have many customers for rice milling plant. Therefore, we know the needs of customers for rice mill plants very well, and our customers have given us very satisfied recognition of our services. This week, A very friendly Matania customer came to visit our factory and discussed the specific details of the 30T/D rice mill machine. After the customer came to our factory, he saw a clean and tidy production workshop with an orderly work order. The sample workshop gave the customer a complete display and was very satisfied. After the test machine, the customer immediately signed a contract with us and expressed their willingness to cooperate for a long time.


30T/D Complete Rice Mill Plant is a complete rice processing machine that can produce 1500-1800kg of final rice per hour. This rice mill machine contains the rice cleaning machine, rice de-stoner machine, rice huller, paddy rice separator machine, rice mill machine, rice polisherrice color sorter machine, rice grader machine, and rice packing machine. 

This rice mill plant is our customized model for one of our Nigerian clients, which they set for their government. This model rice mill production line has advanced technical skills, a compact structure, and high outlet advantages. It is an ideal choice for small grain processing enterprises and rice farms. 

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30T/D Rice Mill Plant Structure
(1) Combined Cleaner Destoner Machine (2) Rice Huller Machine (3) Rice Polisher Machine (5) Elevator (6) Rice Packing Machine (7) Feed Hopper (8) Control Box (9) Rice Mill Machine (10) Rice Color Sorter (11) Rice Grader Machine (12) Paddy Rice Separator

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Hongjia Grain Machinery Co., Ltd. was established in 2000. It is a professional manufacturer and exporter of rice millsrice processing machinesrice processing plants, rice processing plants, paddy parboiling plants, etc. We can provide a unique overall layout design, customized rice mill products, and installation services for the rice mill production line according to the different needs of customers and site conditions. It combines technology, manufacturing, and sales in one.

If You Are Ready to Start a Rice Milling Business, please contact us for the Rice Milling Machine. We Can Provide Professional Design and Comprehensive Guidance According to Your Needs. Get in touch with us now!

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Hongjia Grain Machinery Co., Ltd
Phone/Whatsapp: 0086 13196770111


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    Zhengzhou Hongjia Grain Machinery Co., Ltd.

    Expert In Rice Mill Engineering Solutions

    Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China.


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